Planning Commission

The Planning Commission is responsible for creating a master plan for the physical development of the City; preparing programs for capital improvements; reviewing rezoning requests, site plans, subdivisions, special use permits and other land use applications; reviewing the widening and extension of streets, the development of parks and other public improvements; developing new zoning standards; etc.   The Commission meets monthly for generally a three year term.

Authority:  Established through a city ordinance, recorded as Chapter 50-31 of the City Code of Ordinances.

Current Membership:
John Sabbadin, Chairperson
Seth Waxman, Vice-Chairperson
Megan Wren, Secretary
Kenneth Bliesener II
Kyle Elizabeth Kirkby
Austen Malczewski
Mitch Perrault
John Vercher
Scott Preadmore, Ex-Officio, Councilmember

Staff:  Community Development Director   
Meeting Time:  2nd Tuesday after the first Monday of the month at 6:30 pm in the Sycamore Room of City Hall, 201 West Ash Street. Meeting information and link to watch live are available HERE
Application to Serve: Found here.  

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